Prefixes & Suffixes

For teh first day of school in term 4 my class and I have been learning about prefixes & suffixes.  It was pretty fun but my brain was hurting on all the things I had to think of for a word that ends with en or able.  I was struggling for a bit but got some help with my helpful friends helping me find words for the suffixes and the prefixes thing.  But I would say that isn’t the worst thing that has even happened. but it could of been worst but who knows what else might come.

Matariki Festival Celebration

Matariki Festival Reflection:

The matariki festival has been a pretty fun experience lately.  Everybody got to choose what they wanted to do and what they wanted to eat 😀 the eating was my favorite part because I always eat a lot, but besides the food I really enjoyed seeing people being happy about all the cool stuff that they could do and what they like to do. Seeing many people enjoy the activities and eating lots of food is cool. But before all of that stuff started we had meetings and some massive stuff taking place from place to place.


We had to go to the hall to do some stuff and people performed the kapa haka that they learnt from the best kapa haka teachers. They performed in front of some schools and lots of parents, including us. The other schools came over like GlenBrae, Pt England, kindergarten aka the little schoolers and glendowie primary.  After all the performances we got to do the activities and that. 


I wasn’t really helping my group because I was helping my mum with my little brother and was waiting for my food.  Because they were doing other peoples orders so i had to wait a while. But then i got the food and it was really delicious, also i haven’t really had a drink so i was dehydrated pretty much. But the matariki festival was a really fun and enjoyable experience. Then after all of the fun we all went home like always at the end of school 😀

Friyay thingy…

For this task team tui had a meeting about the task and it was a really cool task because the experience we had was fun, doing all the stuff that is fun like polyline art, riddles and crack the code.  But what I most enjoyed was the polyline because I’m a master at polyline. But anyways it was really fun doing this task because it is probably one of the best ones I ever did 😀 I got some help with another person he helped me with the riddles and the crack the code thing. and the guy is Mason, then i did everything else while he just wonders around checking whact other people have done. but that was most of the things I liked, so hope to see more activities coming up :D.

Stardome Trip


(Sorry if it sideways :D)

Team tui went to a trip to Stardome and learnt some stuff about the Matariki stars.  but before learning about the stuff of Matariki we first learn t about how tot connect stars and how it turns into patterns or like someone from back in the day, like the legend or myth days or something like that.  Anyways, after learning all abou that stuff we went to go to do a scavager hunt, it was so fun doing the scavager hunt bceacuse we get t learn some stuff about the planets or like astroids and that sort of stuff….It was so fun learning facts, theories i think then some other cool things.  But then it got boring because there was nothing to do whe  we finished the scavager hunt so we were just walking around.  Also while we were doing the scavager hunt I kept gettinglost because everybody was hundling up in the questions that my group were doing.  But i found my way to find them, get to them and also help them out.

So while we were waiting for all the other groups or the timer to finish so we could do something else while they do the timer or the scavager hunt.  So we waited…And waited…And waited…Then they finsihed, so we went to the theatre to wath a film about teh matariki stars and the legend of Tawhirimatea.  I didn;t understand it because that wasn’t really how the legend went from the one that we watched.  I mean like come on but I won’t no more…But I fell a sleep…So yeah I didn’t see the other parts of the storys.  But it was alright. By that I mean’t about the sleep I had 😀

So after the nice lil nap I woke up and we were going to the bus and then I had another nap 😀 (I get my genes from my dad because he takes naps often.)


Life Ed – Freindship :D

So you may be thinking where are the photos? Wellthe thing is I don’t know if we have any photos of Life ed.  But Room 13 went to life ed to talk about FRIENDSHIP!!! Friendship is a really big thing when you are hanging with friends because they may even forget  you even exist or they just don’t wanna be your friend anymore.  But no worries they are just missing out of your friendship.  But everybody has a friendship unbreakable. A lil bit like me and my friend, but that is because we’ve been friends for a really long time.

But anyways friendship is really cool because they have different personalities with you or may even have the same but different thoughts. But friendships that are cruel or like bad is a bad thing because they may teach you things that could cause your health and may get you in trouble for the things that you have done with them like bullying, drinking bad stuff, doing bad stuff like drugs…ok ok lets leave that side. Bad friendships is not a good friendship because they may say hurtful things to you as a joke. If i had photos it would have been way better or like a video…But i don’t think you can add videos on blogs.

LCS – Reflection

This isn’t necessarily the best presentation we’ve made… or even on the top ten but it’s probably because we spent our time on the animation for our create. Our create took a while, our first rendition was… horrible and our second rendition ended up not being used because it took too long to polyline the big dude in the image. aside from that minor setback, we got the job done lickity-split. (I’m joking, the animation took SO DARN LONG.)

I made the start like that thinking that this was going to be presented to people in presentation, not printed.

This was our reflection of the work that we did for LCS about myths and legends 😀 So Zion basically did the animation for us about the legend for heard at Te reo class, I would like to thank Matua Adrian for helping us with the legend.


Cybersmart: Te takata Whakaahua

For todays task we had to go through some stuff on how to change colours on images or something.

I may have gotten a bit of help because I didn’t quite understand what to do with the task. so after the help I got i did a really great job on how to change colours or recolour the background of an image. if that makes any sense :/ But anyways it was really cool how I changed the colour of the image.

Here it is :D:


Team tui had a meting about maths. We learnt about measurements. But we before we started to do the task that we were assigned we first had to get in a group of 3. then grab a ruler or something that includes with measuring. My group and I used  compass.  and we had to see what the premiter was or how much distance it has. (Well something like that.)

Cybersmart task

For this task we had to do a cybersmart task about how to reply to comments on our blogs so we could be nice to people and use the ideas that they have given us, because it may make the work you have done way better or just right.  It was really boring because I thought there was nothing to do until at the end of the slides.  This was an example of how to respond to people in the comment section.  It is also a good thing because it could help you blog more things and get more compliments about the work you have done. When we respond to people on the comments has to have a thank you at the start and a respond thingy about the question that they have said and a question at the end about something like the work that you have done.