Today my math group and I have been learning about subtracting and adding fractions with related denominators. it was surprisingly easy because I don’t know actually…I just found it pretty easy, or it might have been easy because I am learning about math in this math book I have at home. I think I am turning into Matilda because bro she reads alot and does pretty well at maths so… I read math books just to get smarter and become the new Albert Einstein 😀 Nah just kidding I just wanna be smart when I get into the NBA maybe I don’t because the smartedr u are probably the more wins you will get in the NBA championships or something. But hey it might be helpful getting a job if I don’t get into the NBA because hey knowledge always get you a job…Well I don’t know but I will see in the future for my self to see if it is easy or not, but I hope it is easy to get a job or get in the NBA. NBA is my dream so I hope my smarts get me in the team because the only basketball player I know that usees smart is some Asian guy who I forgot the name of, so I tryna get in the NBA just like him, because he smart. But this math was pretty easy. but kinda confusing so I had to put most of the words that my math teacher said into my own words so I could understand it more isntead of people saying it inn liek massive words that I don’t understand because my english is very horrible but I would say it was worth it to learna bout adding and subtract fractions with related denominators, because they are family 😀