Year: 2023

Cybersmart task

For this task it was about google meets and what we would have to do whenever if we do google meets.  We also had to do steps about what the things are and list the things that the people are doing in the google meet or what the buttons are.

Fugitive Language :D

For this…uhhh…session we have been doing something I forgot what it is called but it was really brain damaging becuase it involed alot of thinking 😀 My brain still hurts to this day.  Team tui have been learning about Metaphors, similies and some other stuff.  (Sorry if the photo is sideways I don’t know why it is like that.)

My Art

For the past few weeks Team tui have been doing art about Matariki. We had to choose 3 stars or more thats if you wish to do all but I only chose to do 4 or 5 I don’t remember but I think I did 5.  All the stars have an job or a meaning of what they do.  Like Waiti and Waita are sisters, which connect to water and Tupu-a-nuku is connected to nature so like that sort of thing.

Matariki Myths and Legend

Monday 31st August 2023


Matariki myths and Legends


Did you know that other people have different beliefs about the MAtariki stars? Some people believe there are 7, but some believe there are 9…It may sound weird but it is just some people’s beliefs. But anyways My topics have some stuff about the myths and legends but one of my topics is just basically about kites which is a myth though. It is about the kites getting close to the stars or just people flying kites then they turn into  stars.But anyways let’s get to my topics:D


The seven sisters


There are many ways to celebrate matariki and this is one of them but this is also a mythApperently when you fly a kite it somehow gets close to the stars, but it may also turn into a star. (Apparently.) but anyways it is just like just a little myth for y’all.


Tawhirimatea the sookie baby (🍼👶)


Tawhirimatea is someone who is watching us in the skies on Matariki days. If you’re wondering what I’m talking about, he is seriously watching us in the sky. (He is the Matariki star because matariki means “The eyes of god”) Tawhirimatea is the god of watching us 😀 I mean he is seriously watching us whenever it is the Matariki days. But anyways let’s get to the story of how he is related to Matariki. 

It all started with Ranginui and Papatuanuku who had a strong relationship squishing their kids in the middle, but with enough room to feel the breeze of air coming from the small gap that they have. After a while one of the brothers went out to adventure I think…But he went out on an adventure to break the brother bonding ship apart and split Ranginui And Papatuanuku apart from each other to have enough room for the war. After a while one of the brothers pushed with the strong muscular legs and pushed Ranginui and Papatuanuku apart.  And then war came…Tawhirimatea was doing good until…Rangioa came…Lighting struck as soon as his foot hit the ground, he grabbed the lighting strike and threw it at Tawhirimatea but he dodged it in mid air somehow. Then they pulled a massive fight against each other. Punch after punch.They started raging and then…Tawhirimatea lost 😀 After his loss he grabbed his eyes and pulled them out…Blood curling from his hands and eyes. He crushed them and threw them to the sky and turned into the Matariki stars.  Tawhirimatea with the face of defeat. He turned and said an honorable cool line…Then that’s how the Matariki stars were made.


Big Q (Questions)


What the history is about.

Cybersmart task

For this task we had to have a partner with us to this task. It was a pretty fun task then it went from boring because we had to write a story where the 1 person would write 1 word then the other would write another word. Then it would go on and on.  But anyways it was a easy task until the end.


For this task we have been doing a task from cybersmart.  It was about a quality blog comment.  So the task was basically about being positive, thoughtful and helpful while writing a comment. so here is an example and somethings that could help you with what to write.

That was Matariki

Hello fellow humans,


For the past few days, Team Tui have been doing some writing about matariki.  The piece of writing I made didn’t even make sense because my brain was not communicating with my ideas so after that when my brain was communicating with my ideas it now makes sense to me.  The idea was basically the same as “That Was Summer”. Well the writing was supposed to have the same title as “That was summer” But i just did a random title. But this was kinda messing with my brain a lil because my brain kept thinking about which star had which meaning. If that makes sense.

But anyways have a good day 😀

Cybersmart task

This is my cybersmart task, we got a choice to pick between nort or southland..So I picked north because I don’t know anything from the south 😀 (Considering that there were the names on the doc that we had so we know what to add on out projecy…I don’t think that made sense at all…)

  • Cape Reinga
  • Sky Tower
  • L&P Bottle
  • Hobbinton Village
  • Gumboot Statue
  • Kiwifruit Capital Of The World Sign